There is no future story to be written
All I ve said and done
Nothing s left inside to be shared
I cant pretend, cant just be without will to share my inner sky with you
Am too lost and nothing worths to go on
Empty,so empty that every minute is waste of air and loneliness
I talk cos I have to, I exist, cos I have to, appear just to make things go on
Nothings same, nothing makes me smile, any laugh is just to escape moments
Cant go on any more...
Need end up with all
Knowing its time up soon keeps me standing
Soon comes to release me of myself
Публикуване на коментар
Пътят винаги е дълъг, осеян с мисли, чувства и идеи ...
И никога не сме сами на него,независимо колко пуст ни се струва той понякога
Всичко е само търпение и положителен устрем към живота !