was wondering how far mad mind goes
crazy far
above all
she ran besides the bridge
heared his quick steps and knew its too late to jump
her feet hurted of the run
her heart pumped wildly inside her chest
it was over
was just matter of few steps to grab her hair and smash her at once
her mouth was sticky,the air was passing fast of stream and the sweat drops were
running alover her skin
then nothing
she heared nothing
what happened ?!
was impossible that he gave up
he never did
he chased his victim till end
not now...something happened and was out of any rules
crazy far
above all
she ran besides the bridge
heared his quick steps and knew its too late to jump
her feet hurted of the run
her heart pumped wildly inside her chest
it was over
was just matter of few steps to grab her hair and smash her at once
her mouth was sticky,the air was passing fast of stream and the sweat drops were
running alover her skin
then nothing
she heared nothing
what happened ?!
was impossible that he gave up
he never did
he chased his victim till end
not now...something happened and was out of any rules
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Пътят винаги е дълъг, осеян с мисли, чувства и идеи ...
И никога не сме сами на него,независимо колко пуст ни се струва той понякога
Всичко е само търпение и положителен устрем към живота !