:))))The moment when a good old friend screw everything between you with a total shit and claims he is innocent ...PRICELESS LESSON !!!! :))))
The time gives us chanses to learn thru it everything we need by simple
lessons and examples of practise. Pay attention of everything you've been told,the way of it
and the intentions for it ...Never excuse anyone if they hirt you intentedly ...Cos it neve passes away ...
Be good to yourself and to the others .
Good night !
The time gives us chanses to learn thru it everything we need by simple
lessons and examples of practise. Pay attention of everything you've been told,the way of it
and the intentions for it ...Never excuse anyone if they hirt you intentedly ...Cos it neve passes away ...
Be good to yourself and to the others .
Good night !
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Пътят винаги е дълъг, осеян с мисли, чувства и идеи ...
И никога не сме сами на него,независимо колко пуст ни се струва той понякога
Всичко е само търпение и положителен устрем към живота !